The Global Network For Kingdom Influencers!
What if you woke up everyday With Perfect clarity and with a plan for living life to the fullest potential? 
What if you understood how to make an impact? 
Unleash and unlock your gifts today! Live out your fullest potential!
Now is the time to Arise, Shine & Ignite Your Destiny!
If you are anything like me, you have experienced these things in life...

Have you felt?
  • Alone, even in the midst of a crowd
  • Hopeless or discouraged
  • Unseen, nobody notices you
  • Unworthy or Inadequate, not enough
  • Overwhelmed
Have you tried conferences, programs, or events that have promised A, B and C...?
Yet, at the end of the day, you feel it was wasted time and money?
What I found:

I discovered my own "God-Blueprint" and
I connected with the right mentors

These discoveries ended my long (and expensive) journey.

Now, I am on a mission to help others just like you!
"Ignite Your Destiny"
The Global Network for Kingdom Igniters
  • 12 months Ignite Community: You connect with an enthusiastic, innovative and caring community. You join with others who desire to see change by communicating the message in their hearts. [Value of $17,000]
  • Monthly Connection Calls: Vibeke Elisabeth will bring to the table decades of experience to enable you to discover your passion, map out a plan to put your passion into practice, and launch an online, impactful presence. [Value of $2,997]
  • Monthly Surprise Speakers: International leaders representing the different spheres of society are carefully selected to offer wisdom, new ideas, and encouragement. [Value of $997]
What's included
Monthly Connection Calls
You will get to connect and do "Hot Seats" every month. Our focus will be GROWTH with God, with our purpose, with one another. It will be holistic approach of the body, soul & spirit!

Surprise Speakers
Once a month you will get to hear from and interact with leaders from all the different spheres of influence: 
Family, Church, Education, Media, Arts & Entertainment, Business and Government.
Connection Group
As part of our private connection group, you are invited to develop meaningful relationships with like-minded people. Our goal is to foster deep relationships with one another.

"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller
Getaway Weekend
We will gather in person for a unforgettable, mastermind weekend. These weekends are life-changing as we develop deeper relationship with God and with one another. We will come away not only refreshed, but focused and ready to move forward. August 2-3rd, 2024.
What is the scope of Ignite Your destiny?
Through decades of experience, I have a proven and successful strategy
  • Know Who You Are Together, let's work to uncover your true identity!
  • Know Where You Are Today Together, let's evaluate your personal assessment!
  • Know Where You Want To Go Together, let's get you moving forward and making progress!
  • ​Create A Plan Together, let's create a strategy for success!
  • Learn, Grow and Take Action Together, let's get you moving forward and making progress!
Ignite Your Relationship With God
Grow in your understanding of God's overall purpose for you life and
the season you are currently walking through. Hear His voice and get
His blueprint for you in this season.

The scope of ‘Ignite Your Destiny' is purposefully designed to activate
you to step out into what God has for you in this season.
Ignite Your Purpose With Clarity
IImagine walking in clarity, understanding, intentionality, and purpose as
to why you are here in this world! Consider how amazing it would be
to feel empowered and confident that you are moving forward in your

What kind of impact could you make if you began to experience the
truth that God is FOR YOU?
Ignite Relationships With Real
Understanding your true identity and experiencing the truth that God is
for you, enables you to connect in a real and meaningful way with
You were created for community and connection. In our group, you will begin to align with fellow Igniters who are genuine and committed to
intentional living.
"I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel
seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and
when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship." 
- Brené Brown
My Story...
During my first years as a entrepreneur, I looked high and low for mentors, coaches, and programs to help me. I enrolled in many, many different programs, events, and mentorships.
Even with all the "great" things I learned and people I met, nothing I tried really worked for me. I knew God had more for me that I was somehow not tapping into yet...
When I purposefully sought a deeper connection with God, He helped me see my purpose and my value in His eyes. He helped me gain an awareness of my own voice. He helped me find the right mentors. In this deeper connection with God, I finally had my a-ha and breakthrough moment!

Suddenly I found myself actually walking out my purpose instead of just doing all the things that everyone else was doing. I came alive when I realized my passion to Activate Others Into Their God-Given Purpose! I experienced such a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when people I helped began to also get breakthroughs, live with purpose, and see success.
As Seen On...
Let's Recap the Benefits
What is included in the Ignite Your Destiny community?
It is a 12-month membership to a proven community and leadership program For those that want to...
Connect Deeper with god
Connect with Clarity to your Purpose
Connect with Real People
What's included:
  •  12 months of Real Connection in community with others who desire to influence and impact their spheres [Value of $17,000]
  • ​Monthly Connection Calls with Vibeke Elisabeth [Value of $2,997]
  • Monthly Surprise Speakers with international leaders from all spheres of influence [Value of $997]
  • Exclusive and Private Connection Group [Value of $997]
  • Getaway Weekend: an in person gathering once a year [Value of $2,997]
"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it,
whoever you are, you need one." - Jane Howard
As we gather in community, we will cover 
topics such as...
Spiritual Life
We want every single person to learn to recognize God's voice and not only be aware of their spiritual gifts but to walk in them. We will have prophetic activations and tons of fun and productive exercises. As needed, we will make available inner healing ministry!
Mindset Shift
We are committed to aligning our mindsets with truth and learning how to recognize the belief systems that have served us either positively or negatively. With this knowledge, you will be better equipped to target these areas and make changes which will affect everything else.
Leadership Training
We will grow as leaders. As we come into our true identity and learn to hear God’s voice, we
will excel in serving others as leaders. In our Ignite community, we will learn the responsibility of showing up not in perfection but in confidence. The awareness of our imperfections enables us to trust God in those areas as well as gather others with strengths which compliment our weakness. Together, we overcome. We are committed to taking ownership and co-laboring with the Lord in our lives for optimal impact.
Ongoing Growth
As leaders living in our fullest potential, we remain committed to learning, changing, refining, and maturing in every area of life. This is a process not of perfection, but a commitment to fullness. Igniters view failures and setbacks as vital learning opportunities.
Healthy Lifestyle
We recognize that our health touches every aspect of our lives. "You are what you eat" is a
worthy consideration. We want you to understand the importance of making healthy changes. Another important saying, “You are what you think about all day long,” is a vital topic also. We must intentionally monitor the things we allow into our eyes and ears because they impact the health of our hearts daily.
7 Mountains Spheres
We will learn from international leaders who are making an impact in every sphere of influence. We are committed to growing in our awareness of how all seven "mountains" of life and culture interconnect. As we launch into the fullness of where we are called, we must be aware of the unique ways of connecting with the seven individual mountains.
2 Different Payment Options
Billed monthly, no set up fee.
Bi-weekly Connection Calls
Monthly Leadership Training
Monthly Hot Seat
Connection Group 24/7
Getaway Live Mastermind
Billed annually, no set up fee.
Bi-weekly Connection Calls
Monthly Leadership Training
Monthly Hot Seat
Connection Group 24/7
Getaway Live Mastermind
What people say about me:
Vibeke is a woman of insight and compassion. She is utterly trustworthy and she has an extremely hard work ethic. She knows how to draw the very best out of people, affirming as she asks questions, gaining insight and understanding. And then has the ability to present it back to you... your very own strengths and storyline.

Her ambition is to make others shine.
- diane bickle, REALTOR
Vibeke Elisabeth has a genuine love for people. She has an ability to see the gifts and opportunities in other people. She inspired me to take new steps in my life, and encouraged me and helped when I needed it the most. 
Her positive attitude and knowledge in business, church matters and human beings are greatly appreciated. She is not only a person who gives of herself, she is a listener and gets quickly into people’s situation. I highly recommend her coaching services.

If I can sum up Vibeke in 2 words, it would be “calling-forth”. She calls people forward!
 She have excellency and everything she does is unto the Lord. I love her!
- claire mc clung, school teacher

Vibeke sees the greatness in people even if they don’t see it in themselves. She encouraged my husband and I to be confident in the value and power of our God given message and then worked with us to establish the best ways to communicate it. She helped us overcome fears and barriers to put us right where we needed to be! We are beyond grateful for her heart and work!

"Vibeke has a true passion to see you launch your dream/calling and see you increase your influence on 'your mountains'"
- Silje Helle Hansen, Health Coach
What Other People Say:
A Special One Time Offer For Limited Time
2 Different Payment Options
Billed monthly, no set up fee.
Bi-weekly Connection Calls
Monthly Leadership Training
Monthly Hot Seat
Connection Group 24/7
Getaway Live Mastermind
Billed annually, no set up fee.
Bi-weekly Connection Calls
Monthly Leadership Training
Monthly Hot Seat
Connection Group 24/7
Getaway Live Mastermind
7 Mountains Influencers LLC - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions